While rules will always have a place in the world, some rules should be broken. Style rules or statements from the past often creep back up and try to influence today’s fashions. Why should you default to the trends of yesterday when there is a whole world of style that is outside the box and more fashionable than ever?
Let’s look at 5 fashion rules that you really should break:
- As You Age, Your Hemline Should Fall – What does your hemline have to do with your age? Nothing! When a lady reached a certain age in the past, she was expected to show a lot less leg. Showing your legs as you got older was referred to as a “mutton dressed as lamb.” This is a very old phase and most people don’t even know what mutton is. So…Why adhere to it? The length of your dress or skirt should be based on your comfort level. Just be sure that it is an appropriate look for your age. Anywhere from three inches above the knee, to right below the knee, is considered the most flattering since it is the thinnest part of the leg.
- Short Hair After Age 40 Is A Must – The rule of cutting your hair short after age 40 comes from how women were viewed in the past. After the age of 40, you can absolutely keep your hair long as long as it flatters your face. The only time your hair becomes a problem is when you date yourself with a style that ages you rather than making you look youthful. If you are the kind of person who uses a ton of hairspray to hold inch-high bangs, like you used to in high school, perhaps you need a new style. A face-framing layer cut, which hangs past your shoulders, may look fabulous on you.
- No White After Labor Day – This rule has been around for generations and still causes countless people to put away their white cardigans and slacks after Labor Day. Yet, white is such a versatile color that easily goes easily with anything. It’s a shame to tame this color so early in the year. If you are going to wear white, be sure the material you are wearing is fit for the weather. A chunky knit sweater in white can be just as endearing in January as it is in September.
- No Metal Mixing – Another rule that belongs to a stifling time is the idea that mixing metal types is a big no-no. Many people think that gold only goes with gold and silver belongs with silver. However, accessories are meant to accentuate your look. You can’t stifle what you are bringing attention to so go ahead and blend your bling! All metallic colors are neutral colors and the mixing needs to look like it has purpose. It’s also fashionable if the blend is done in odd numbers. If you are layering necklaces, layer it in threes as the uneven tones create an eclectic style.
- Always Match Your Accessories – One rule that came about in the early 60s is the idea that your shoes, belt and handbag must coordinate with the rest of your outfit. At the time, it was said that you can tell a lady by the way her accessories match but that time is long over. Mixing up the accessories adds interest to an outfit and looks more modern and polished as long as your accessories complement your ensemble.