6 Daily Things That Will Improve the Appearance of Your Skin

1. Moisturizer/Anti-aging/Firming Creams: The earlier you start wearing a great face cream the longer and faster your skin will look youthful. The idea is to maintain your skins natural firmness in order to reduce the affects that come with your skins natural aging process. Preventative maintenance will keep your skin looking luminous well into your 50’s and 60’s.

2. Sunscreen: I know it has been said time and time again, but the use of a sunscreen on your face, neck, and especially hands is a must. It will reduce the aging effects of sun damage and prevent wrinkles. Your face, neck, and hands are very sensitive areas that are exposed most of the time and these areas will be the first to expose your true age or even make you look older.

3. Water: Skin is the largest organ of your body and will reflect your inner body’s health. Your cells, tissues, and organs need plenty of water to maintain regular functionality. By drinking the necessary 8-10 glasses of water a day, your natural skin will stay hydrated and appear glowing.

Different things to improve the apperance of your skin

4. Sleep: When your body is well rested, your skin is well rested. Our skin repairs itself while we are sleeping, if we are sleep deprived our body becomes stressed and breakouts can occur. Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day to keep your body rested and your mind focused.

5. Antioxidants: Eating foods high in antioxidants will limit the body’s production of free radicals which can harm your skin. Foods high in antioxidants include: beans, berries, apples, pecans, etc. Extended lists can be found online.

6. Washing your face: Your face doesn’t need to be washed, in most cases, more than once a day, but always make sure to wash your makeup off before bedtime. Leaving your makeup on your skin while you sleep ages your skin dramatically. Your skin is unable to fluff off dead skin cells at night, which causes pores to be clogged and breakouts.

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